Wir haben kürzlich darüber berichtet, dass Raekwon sich weigere, Parts für das neue Wu-Tang Clan-Album beizusteuern und dass er RZA stark kritisierte – nun kommentierte RZA das Ganze im Radio:
"What we’re not doing as brothers and as business brothers is putting in time together, I have to read about how he feels. He has to read about how I feel. I’m gonna clear one thing up. In the newest article in Rolling Stone Raekwon says that I’m a boldface liar, which I’m far from, I don’t need to lie. I’m a grown man. I’ve got children. I only have one rule in my house: Don’t lie to me."
Allerdings könne er sich erklären, warum ihn Raekwon einen Lügner nenne:
"But what happened was I did an interview a few weeks ago that just came out later. And I guess when it came out he read it then, but I spoke to Raekwon about eight days ago. But the interview was probably 14 or 16 days ago. So, he says in his interview ‘RZA’s a liar. He spoke to me.’ No, when I did the interview brother I didn’t speak [to you]. I hadn’t spoken to him in six months before that. Until recently. Last time I saw that brother was on tour in the summer. So, we didn’t get a chance to chop up the ideas of what I’m trying to do."
Raekwon hätte ihm eine Liste mit Voraussetzungen für eine Kooperation gegeben:
"But then we did speak a few days ago. About six, seven days ago. And he gave me his demands. Which we presented to the company. Like ‘Yo, this is his demands.’ If they can be reached they can be reached. It they can’t they can’t. And if they can’t then we gotta reevaluate what we’re gonna do. But it was no lying there. And the only thing I would say is that I would respect if—like when I read something that Rae say I don’t really take it as if he said it cause he didn’t say it to me. I don’t know what these writers write…So, I wanted to say to all our Wu brothers that we should never take this press and media on face value. We can easily reach out to each other and get the facts. Don’t read the facts. Hear it right from the source."
Scheinbar wird es höchste Zeit, dass sich die beiden Streithähne zusammensetzen...