Wie hiphopdx.com berichtet, setzt sich Meek Mill häufig für wohltätige Zwecke ein und hilft so oft und so gut er kann. Allerdings hat er es nie im Rampenlicht getan, sondern weil es ihm ein Bedürfnis war.
In einem Interview mit XXL sprach der Rapper unter anderem über seine Einstellung zu Geld und wie der Titel seines neuen Album zustande kam.
"If I’m in the position to help, I’m gonna help,"
"In my city, you know, rappers never really get credit for anything they do, but they do a lot for the community. And I don’t even try to take credit for it. But I don’t like when I come home and you got certain people sitting around talking about my probation, like they're downplaying me, like I’m doing something wrong. First of all, you know, I got a job. I came from being in the streets being a young kid doing wild things and stuff. I changed my life around. I take care of my whole family. I got a child, take care of my son, and I give back to the community every chance I get."
Weiter heßt es:
So when people try to downplay that and make you look a certain way, I just always try to just outdo them and make sure they know that I’m not who they're saying I am,"
"I always did [things] not on camera, or call press and stuff like that, until I saw the that they were trying to make me look a certain way. [After that] I really put it in the press, 'cause I didn’t wanna make it seem like I was doing it for the look of it. I wanted to do it from the heart. I guess that’s the way life goes."
Meek sagte, er habe mittlerweile verstanden, dass es um mehr geht als nur um Geld. Als er in das Game gekommen sei, wäre er nur daran interessiert gewesen schnell viel Geld zu machen, doch als er es dann hatte, wurde ihm klar, dass eigentlich das Rappen sein wahrer Traum gewesen sei. So sei er auch auf den Titel seines kommenden Album Dreams Worth More Than Money gekommen sein.
"I wanted to go with the title because I just felt like when I first came into the game I was just hustling and trying to make a lot of money,"
"And now since I got on and made some money, I feel like rapping was always my dream, really. So I just really wanna pursue that over really being about money now. When I first came out, my concern was mainly about getting my family off the streets, changing my way of living so I wouldn’t have to do the things I used to have to do. Now that I’ve changed all that, now it’s just about the sport all over again. I feel like I’m on the corner battling the cyphers, [but] not for money, it's for the fun, it's for the competition."