Der Weg zur Krone: Alle Battles des Undisputed 2018

Die entscheidende Schlacht im Bboy-Universum wurde am Wochenende in San Diego geschlagen. Mit Victor triumphierte ein Einheimischer und holte den begehrten Titel des Undisputed World Champion bereits zum zweiten Mal in seiner Karriere. Der Weg zum Erfolg verlief aber keineswegs geradlinig. Wie die einzelnen Battles zeigen, hätten viele den Sieg verdient gehabt. Wie so oft im Leben kann es im Endeffekt nur einen Gewinner geben. Dieser kristallisierte sich im Laufe des Turniers heraus.

In Gruppe A standen sich Thesis (USA), Vero (Südkorea) und Onel (Griechenland) gegenüber:

Vero vs Thesis [group] // .stance // Undisputed IV x

stance // group stage of Undisputed between Onel of Greece vs Thesis of USA Judges Storm - Battle Squad (Germany) Flo Master - Footwork Fanatics(USA) Roxrite - Renegade Rockers/The Squadron(Mexico/USA) Moy - Monster/Break Free/Havikoro(USA) Bojin - Bboyworld Asia(Taiwan) DJ Line up LEAN ROCK MEGATONE MANE ONE

Onel vs Thesis [group] // .stance // Undisputed IV x

stance // group stage of Undisputed between Onel of Greece vs Thesis of USA Judges Storm - Battle Squad (Germany) Flo Master - Footwork Fanatics(USA) Roxrite - Renegade Rockers/The Squadron(Mexico/USA) Moy - Monster/Break Free/Havikoro(USA) Bojin - Bboyworld Asia(Taiwan) DJ Line up LEAN ROCK MEGATONE MANE ONE winner: Thesis

Onel vs Vero [group] // .stance // Undisputed IV x

stance // group stage of Undisputed between Onel of Greece vs Thesis of USA Judges Storm - Battle Squad (Germany) Flo Master - Footwork Fanatics(USA) Roxrite - Renegade Rockers/The Squadron(Mexico/USA) Moy - Monster/Break Free/Havikoro(USA) Bojin - Bboyworld Asia(Taiwan) DJ Line up LEAN ROCK MEGATONE MANE ONE

Die Gruppe B bestand aus Victor (USA), Hill (Mexiko) sowie Lussy Sky (Ukraine):

Hill vs Victor [group] // .stance // Undisputed IV x

stance // group stage of Undisputed between Onel of Greece vs Thesis of USA Judges Storm - Battle Squad (Germany) Flo Master - Footwork Fanatics(USA) Roxrite - Renegade Rockers/The Squadron(Mexico/USA) Moy - Monster/Break Free/Havikoro(USA) Bojin - Bboyworld Asia(Taiwan) DJ Line up LEAN ROCK MEGATONE MANE ONE

Victor vs Lussy Sky [group] // .stance // Undisputed IV x

stance // group stage of Undisputed between Onel of Greece vs Thesis of USA Judges Storm - Battle Squad (Germany) Flo Master - Footwork Fanatics(USA) Roxrite - Renegade Rockers/The Squadron(Mexico/USA) Moy - Monster/Break Free/Havikoro(USA) Bojin - Bboyworld Asia(Taiwan) DJ Line up LEAN ROCK MEGATONE MANE ONE

Lussy Sky vs Hill [group] // .stance // Undisputed IV x

stance // group stage of Undisputed between Onel of Greece vs Thesis of USA Judges Storm - Battle Squad (Germany) Flo Master - Footwork Fanatics(USA) Roxrite - Renegade Rockers/The Squadron(Mexico/USA) Moy - Monster/Break Free/Havikoro(USA) Bojin - Bboyworld Asia(Taiwan) DJ Line up LEAN ROCK MEGATONE MANE ONE

Für Spannung in Gruppe C sorgten Issei (Japan), Kuzya (Ukraine) und Spin (UK):

Issei vs Spin [group] // .stance // Undisputed IV x

stance // group stage of Undisputed between Onel of Greece vs Thesis of USA Judges Storm - Battle Squad (Germany) Flo Master - Footwork Fanatics(USA) Roxrite - Renegade Rockers/The Squadron(Mexico/USA) Moy - Monster/Break Free/Havikoro(USA) Bojin - Bboyworld Asia(Taiwan) DJ Line up LEAN ROCK MEGATONE MANE ONE

Kuzya vs Issei [group] // .stance // Undisputed IV x

stance // group stage of Undisputed between Onel of Greece vs Thesis of USA Judges Storm - Battle Squad (Germany) Flo Master - Footwork Fanatics(USA) Roxrite - Renegade Rockers/The Squadron(Mexico/USA) Moy - Monster/Break Free/Havikoro(USA) Bojin - Bboyworld Asia(Taiwan) DJ Line up LEAN ROCK MEGATONE MANE ONE

Spin vs Kuzya [group] // .stance // Undisputed IV x

stance // group stage of Undisputed between Onel of Greece vs Thesis of USA Judges Storm - Battle Squad (Germany) Flo Master - Footwork Fanatics(USA) Roxrite - Renegade Rockers/The Squadron(Mexico/USA) Moy - Monster/Break Free/Havikoro(USA) Bojin - Bboyworld Asia(Taiwan) DJ Line up LEAN ROCK MEGATONE MANE ONE

Aus diesen Bboy-Kämpfen gingen vier Halbfinalteilnehmer hervor. Diese setzten sich aus den drei Gruppensiegern und dem einen Besten unter den restlichen Kontrahenten zusammen. In den beiden Vorschlussrunden kam es so zu folgenden Duellen:

Victor vs. Issei

Victor vs Issei [semifinal] // .stance // Undisputed IV x

stance // Semifinals of Undisputed between Victor of USA and Issei of Japan Judges Storm - Battle Squad (Germany) Flo Master - Footwork Fanatics(USA) Roxrite - Renegade Rockers/The Squadron(Mexico/USA) Moy - Monster/Break Free/Havikoro(USA) Bojin - Bboyworld Asia(Taiwan) DJ Line up LEAN ROCK MEGATONE MANE ONE winner: Victor

Vero vs. Thesis

Vero vs Thesis [semifinal] // .stance // Undisputed IV x

stance // Semifinals of Undisputed between Vero of South Korea and Thesis of USA Judges Storm - Battle Squad (Germany) Flo Master - Footwork Fanatics(USA) Roxrite - Renegade Rockers/The Squadron(Mexico/USA) Moy - Monster/Break Free/Havikoro(USA) Bojin - Bboyworld Asia(Taiwan) DJ Line up LEAN ROCK MEGATONE MANE ONE winner: Vero

Das große und absolut sehenswerte Finale hieß dann:

Victor vs. Vero

Victor vs Vero [finals] // stance // Undisputed World Bboy Masters 1.27.2018 x

stance // Finals of Undisputed between Victor of USA and Vero of South Korea Judges Storm - Battle Squad (Germany) Flo Master - Footwork Fanatics(USA) Roxrite - Renegade Rockers/The Squadron(Mexico/USA) Moy - Monster/Break Free/Havikoro(USA) Bojin - Bboyworld Asia(Taiwan) DJ Line up LEAN ROCK MEGATONE MANE ONE winner: Victor


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